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Don’t you hate not getting what you deserve?

What if your current challenges are linked

to your ancestors, or generational karma?

Your family and friends-like-family, they are the most important people in your life. What if generations and generations of them were holding you back from full recovery and truly making your life yours?

Bored by the same-stuff-different-day routine? What if your droning life was affected by the choices your ancestors made?

Don’t you hate surprises? Surprise health issues? Surprise layoffs? Surprise break ups? What if those life surprises are connected to your ancestors or generational karma?

Why do you stay stuck in fear?

What if you fear getting what you truly desire?

What if you are a spiritual person, yet you are scared of material success?

What if you are going through recovery?

What if you lost your closest relationships because you changed?

What if generational karma, or fate, is running the show?

What if as you become more visible in the world,
you face more judgment and ridicule?

High jacked by your fears,
you stay stuck in limbo for years, even decades.

You are a Speck of the Universe’s Eye.

The odds of your Existence

make you a Miracle.

No matter what race, religion, or gender,

we share 99.9% of our DNA.

There’s only .01% difference in all humans!

You are a unique combo of all this stuff –

from the stars of the universe

to your cells to your DNA.

The stories of your ancestors

are alive and well within you

and affect your daily life

in your choice of your partner, your career,

your health, and your life in general.

Except that You know in your heart…

You and your family are not meant to live

the life that you are currently living…

You were meant for something bigger

than your ancestors could have ever dreamed up…


Yet You have tried everything

possible under the sun…

And nothing so far has worked…

But You know that You came

into this world for a Purpose…

Call it your Mission…

Or perhaps it’s your Calling?

No matter how you look at it…

You are Pure Potential

Except You have forgotten Yourself

From your experiences, you create half-truths.

These half-truths shape your life…


But we can help you change your destiny.

Has anyone ever told you that you resemble

your Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, or relatives?

Does cancer, stroke, diabetes,

or Alzheimer’s run in your family?

Is your career just like your parents’ and family’s?

Is your love life a carbon copy of your parents’ relationships?

For example, if they got divorced, when you were 5 years old,

did you get a divorce when your children were also in kindergarten?

What if your life is a series of repeating patterns of 1s and 0s?

Like on the wagon and off again?

And you have no control when it’s on or off?

Like a hamster on a wheel?

How can we separate ourselves from inherited negativity?

Don’t you feel like

you have conquered the Universe

when everything is in flow?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to let go

of those old generational karma ties that bind you?


Wouldn’t it be fabulous

to have the freedom you deserve in life?

Don’t you wish you had a process

that could help you change your fate?

In a galaxy not so far away, there was a young woman who longed for family. She was adopted and felt like the black sheep of her adoptive family. She sought the solace of her culture and biological family for answers. For decades, she traveled to her birthplace and searched for her biological family. After exhausting all search options, she turned to the great healers, soul twins, of northern Peru.

Years earlier, she had a session with these soul twin curanderas to get pregnant. She was blessed with a child that was disappointingly miscarried. From working together for over 10 years, they also realized that she too had transformative healing abilities.

The Donas taught her this wondrous VIP process to help humanity heal from the “wounds of their blood.” She was told to go forth and help people heal from suffering due to their generational karma. Except that she didn’t realize what would change in her life?

Initially there was a major fight with her adoptive parents and they disconnected from her. During this time, she had her DNA tested with the possibility to find biological relatives. Within hours of her results, she was contacted by a seemingly distant relative another continent away.

Instantly, they emailed each other back and forth discovering their commonalities. They worked in the same field of psychology, healing and human potentiality. They were in the same countries at the same time. They both loved learning and spoke multiple foreign languages. They figured out that they could be in same place and decided to meet up half a world away.

When they met, they felt an immediate connection. Not only did they look alike, they were wearing similar clothes. They had so much in common that everyone wondered are they sisters? But they were born in the same year?! What are the odds?!

It could only be called a miracle! For the first time in her life, she felt that she belonged. Nowadays, they travel back and forth to visit each other in the United State and Europe. Currently, they are working on research about trauma and adoption as they hope to heal millions of adoptees and those who have been affected by adoption through their various healing modalities.


You might be thinking, what about other areas of her life?


Besides finding her biological family after her VIP sessions, other areas of her life have radically changed. Now she is the healthiest with best body of her life. Also, she’s managing the largest $500 million contract of her lifetime! After reconnecting with her adoptive parents, they have the best relationship ever. Finally, she is in the most authentically honest, caring, and considerate relationship. They are even talking about starting a family. She is so grateful for the eye-popping opportunities that have come into her life after VIP sessions!


Nothing is impossible! If you are open, anything can happen in this lifetime.


“There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein


Sometimes it takes something as crazy awe inspiring as a VIP session to give your life that unexpected miracle boost!


Thank you for reading our story. We hope that our experience inspires you.


We invite you to start your VIP journey. Invest 1 year of your life. Let your life unfold beyond your wildest dreams!

“The creativity and wisdom of 5 lifetimes.”

Jean Houston Ph.D

Author of 26 books on Human Potential, UN Consultant, #ILead

“She is an angel!”

Sandra Ingerman MA

Author of 10 books on shamanism, Top 10 Spiritual Leaders, #ILive

“Thank you so much for sharing the inroads you’ve made, just amazing, and the role modeling that is so important to so many people! What a grossly underrepresented group, yet potentially with soooo much to offer! Please continue keeping me in your loop, I truly appreciate it.”

Susan Anderson

Psychotherapist, Inner Child Pioneer, #ILove

“Peace of Mind”

“Apex of Achievement”

“Mind Blowing Connections”

“Manifesting My Dreams”

“Living the Life That I Deserve”

Imagine any challenge that you are experiencing

is an illusion.


Connect with the Pure Potential within You.


Discover why your DNA has been holding you back.


Figure out how to truly live the life you deserve.

You declutter your house and car.

You clean your office and purge your files.

Why not, clean the energy of your bloodlines?

Where can your VIP journey take all of you?

You organize your finances, files, and life history.

How would you like to get a fresh start in life?

How would you like a step-by-step process

to cleanse away the inherited negativity

of your ancestors?

What if you had options,

free will and choices

without the constraints of your relatives?

What if you could clear the energy of your DNA?


What about clearing old generational karma?


How would your life change?


What about your destiny?

Well, you might still look like your Mom or Dad,

Aunt or Uncle,

but the rest of your life can completely transform.

Make your ancestors squirm.

Take on the world

and make your descendants proud.